The Lagos State Court of Appeal, reserved ruling on the appeal filed by the actress for the five years sentencing she was initially given by Justice Deborah Oluwayemi. At the hearing presided by Justice U.I. Ndukwe Anyanwu, the Justice paused on ruling because the actress was not in attendance. Fiberesima was initially given a fine of N100,000 by Chief magistrate O.A Isaacs for her reckless driving in Lekki, Lagos, which led to the death of a doctor
Giwa Suraj in 2006. But the Lagos State Attorney-General and Commissioner for Justice, Olasupo Sasore (SAN), was unsatisfied with the judgement and appealed it at the Lagos High Court. The actress was then slammed with a five-year sentence which she challenged at the Court of Appeal, asking that they revert to the Magistrate Court ruling.
Giwa Suraj in 2006. But the Lagos State Attorney-General and Commissioner for Justice, Olasupo Sasore (SAN), was unsatisfied with the judgement and appealed it at the Lagos High Court. The actress was then slammed with a five-year sentence which she challenged at the Court of Appeal, asking that they revert to the Magistrate Court ruling.
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